IAM & AW Local Lodge 10

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Celebrating 135 years of Continuous service to the Membership

In compliance with Local Lodge 10 By-Laws
and the fact that Tuesday is Federal Election Day
the November 2024 meeting will be held
Wednesday November 6, 2024
at 5:00 PM

Nominations for Local Lodge Officers, will be accepted
at the November meeting, with election to be held December 3, 2024
the date of the regular monthly meeting.

Lodge 10 celebrated 135 years on November 17, 2023

Who We Are

                Welcome to IAM & AW Local Lodge 10 in Richmond Virginia. We are a non-profit organization dedicated to justice,
fair treatment, and safety in the workplace.
                Lodge 10 affiliations include,  The Virginia State AFL-CIO,
           The Central Virginia Labor Federation,   The Western Virginia Labor Federation,   The Eastern Virginia Labor Federation,
The Tri Cities Central Labor Council, The Virginia Council of Machinists, and IAM DST Lodge 2020

Contact LL-10

To contact IAM & AW Local Lodge 10

Call the Lodge at (804) 359-4058

Fax the Lodge at (804) 355-6058

E-mail the lodge at iamawll10@comcast.net

or write to the lodge at
IAM & AW  Local Lodge 10
3204 Cutshaw Ave.
Richmond, VA 23230

  last updated, October 8, 2024,  IAM LOCAL LODGE 10  2001 -2024 All Rights Reserved.
Copyright 2018. All rights reserved.
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